Monday, 12 September 2011

Summer research project

Media representations
Jersey Shore is an American reality television episode that is aired on MTV since December 3, 2009 in the United States. The episodes follows the lives of eight italian housemates spending their summer at the Jersey Shore. Season 2 followed the cast escaping the cold northeast winter to Miami Beach, with Season 3 returning to the Jersey Shore. MTV has announced that a fourth season, filmed in Italy, will premiere on August 4, 2011. MTV confirmed in June 2011 that Season 5 will return to Seaside Heights.
The show launched a large amount of controversy regarding the use of the words "Guido/Guidette," portrayals of Italian-American stereotypes, and scrutiny from locals because the cast members were not residents of the area.  Jersey shore is a reality TV show and the show is about eight characters spending summer together partying and having fun, some people would find the show outrageous due to the behavior and language they use sometimes which might offend some people especially the Italians as they use some offensive terminology towards each other but the characters use it as daily words, how ever it is a realistic view of how they really are and how they live their life.
Jersey shore is aired on every summer and so far it has aired full 3 seasons and half of the episodes of season four up to date as, they record the episodes just before summer. Once a week on Thursdays it airs an episode on MTV which lasts about 42 minutes that shows how they spend their summer at home, outside and together.
The narrative started in season one when eight Italian strangers were invited to New Jersey and live together in a house also the main part of the show was if you were living in the house you had to work so the eight members of the cast had to work at a designing t-shirt shop. The main narrative of season one was that they all got to know each other, two of the characters fell in love however they were on and off and they ended breaking up and one of the cast member got punched in the face by a man, there were lots of fights in the house between the girls and the boys towards the end of season one there was a lot of tensions between the cast mates and as they left new jersey there was plenty of unfinished business.
Season two of the cast met each other again in Miami Beach and worked this time in a ice-cream shop where the couple got back together however that did not last long until a huge fight broke out and another couple started to get feeling for each other, and there was still tension in the house because one of the girls did not get along with any of them so she ended up going home likewise in season one. Season three was back in new jersey where they all lived together again and spend the whole summer, from last season two the guy cheated on the girls so the main narrative of season three was that two other girls wrote an anonymous letter to the girl which said that her boyfriend in Miami in season two had cheated on her because they were scared to tell her which turned out to be a bad idea as the girls ended up physical fighting and splitting up but the couple still stayed together. Season four is airing now this summer till now so far the main story is that there was a big fight between two guys and one of them ended up in the hospital and that there is a lot of conflict going on in the house because of rumours.
The genre of the text is a reality TV show which is based on real events and realistic facts that is or has been going on. Jersey shore is mainly about the eight characters being together and going out together with some ups and downs. The cast members are working class people that get paid for every single episode they produce; therefore it is showing an overview of how working class people live their life but in an Italian version. The conventions it uses of a reality TV show is that there is no pattern or knowing what to expect next and there is a confidential room where the cast members can just go in and speak their mind.

Media institution
Jersey shore is aired on MTV, formerly an initialize of Music Television, is an American network based in New York City that launched on August 1, 1981. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos guided by on-air hosts known as VJs. Jersey shore is shown after the water shed period time as the show includes offensive language and sexual content which means it is targeted at the older age. As MTV is based around celebrities and music they assure that who ever they appear on their TV must either have something to do with music or dramatic reality TV show which turns out to be successful, jersey shore is one of the successful realities TV shows they air as it has become almost international.
Jersey shore main audience is working class CDE people aged between 16 to late 35 as the cast members them selves are old around their 30 therefore it is acceptable up to that age. It is targeted to both males and females as it includes male  and female members in the show therefore the show relates to both sides and probably live their life in some kind of way the same.

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