Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Critical investigation

Critical Investigation

''How are Hip Hop Female artists such as Lil Kim represented in Hip Hop music videos and why ?''
*The production that we will be producing is a alternative Hip Hop music video of female
*The people i will be working with in a roup is Jason, Mark and Nida
* they keywords of the critical investigations are Hip Hop, representation of females, females ideology
- Media language: close-up shots, formal costumes,glamourus
-Institutions: Sony, Defjam, Universal
-Genre: Hip Hop, R&B, Pop
-Representation: sex objects, informal, uneducated
-Audience: teenagers & young adults, males & females, pleasure
-Ideology: typical, steareotypes, informal
- Narrative: true strories, experience, relate to music
-Social: social networking, blogs
-How: Sex objects, dis respected
-Economic: cheap to make a video clip, money for good equipment
-Politic: no swearing, too explicit
*Issues and debates: female representation in the media- sex objects, weak, emotional etc.
*Theories: Dines, Gail & Jean M Humez (gender, class, race), Ferguson, Robert (ideology, identity, race), hooks, bell (black looks, race), Macdonald, Myra (women)Threadgold, Terry & Anne Cranny-Francis (Eds) (feminine, masculine)
*This study fits into the contemporary media landscape because females in music clips have gone to the next level which is too explicit and the steareotypes of women have increased
*http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-14793436 (what attracts females)
*http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/relationships/news-and-views/katrina-onstad/do-female-athletes-have-to-wear-miniskirts-to-be-taken-seriously/article2248483/ (how women should be taken serious)
*http://www.scotsman.com/scotland-on-sunday/business-opinion/comment/having_women_on_the_board_boosts_a_company_s_financial_performance_1_1986878 (APPOINTING women to the board of directors)
*http://www.thepennypost.co.uk/2011/11/03/welsh-asian-women-of-achievement-honoured/ (women achievements)
*http://www.stereoboard.com/content/view/169168/9 (Rihanna hitting the number 1 charts)
*http://thecitizen.co.tz/magazines/-/17408-the-photojournalist-treading-where-women-fear-to-tread (women fear to tread)
*http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20111127/GJNEWS_01/711279941 (the truth about boys and girls)
*http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/2661abc0-1451-11e1-b07b-00144feabdc0.html (sex and death by the sea)
*http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2061531/Putting-stereotypes-bed-Study-finds-male-nurses-MORE-masculine-men.html?ito=feeds-newsxml (putting the stereotypes to bed)
*http://blog.chron.com/armedsources/2011/11/think-you-know-what-women-do-in-the-military-think-again/ (Think you know what women do in the military? Think again)

*http://www.odt.co.nz/sport/boxing/187087/boxing-model-student-kos-stereotypes (Boxing model student kos stereotypes)

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